CEDAR Support for Software and Products

The CEDAR software provides many web services, and a variety of data products. This page documents our support system for CEDAR software and products.

CEDAR Support pages

We maintain support pages for CEDAR users on the CEDAR web site, including CEDAR training, a simple CEDAR orientation, and other documentation (browse around the site!). If this doesn’t meet your needs, try contacting us using the information below.

You may get back to work even faster using our support pages and tools. Please visit the following for further information.

Contacting Us

While CEDAR services are not supported by 24x7 service, we try to provide production quality software and a very high service level. The following services let you contact us at CEDAR.

  • Email lists: Users of the CEDAR system are automatically registered for the cedar-announcements and cedar-users email lists.
    • The cedar-users list lets you email the CEDAR community with your questions, concerns, and suggestions. (Questions about the CEDAR API should go to this list.) You can send email to the list without signing up using cedar-support@metadatacenter.org; we will moderate email from non-members.
    • The cedar-announcements list provides information from the CEDAR team about updates and planned maintenance. It is a low-volume list.
    • The cedar-developers list targets people writing and deploying CEDAR software.


CEDAR software is hosted on GitHub under the metadatacenter project, where it can be accessed by anyone with a GitHub account. You are welcome to review the software and contact us with questions about it.

You can find a lot of detailed technical documentation about CEDAR in our GitHub documentation pages. These describe the technical models, specifications we use like JSON-LD and RDF, our tools, and detailed programming and deployment information.

If you are familiar with issue reporting via GitHub, you may prefer to enter known issues directly there (https://github.com/metadatacenter/cedar-project), or in the ZenHub agile view (https://app.zenhub.com/workspaces/cedar-project-56cb88f7058479ba5b2fc375...). If you know your issue is associated with a particular repository, you may enter it there, but generally we process most issues under the cedar-project repository. Please make any issues as clear as possible about what needs to be done, and use short titles. You're probably a developer, you know the drill.

You may also be interested in our list of more significant features we consider for CEDAR (https://app.zenhub.com/workspaces/cedar-features-5d1ce6cc1659a92b9fa61a1...). Our very rough time estimates here are in team-months. Many feature descriptions contain a link pointing to all the associated tasks in the ZenHub for the cedar-project.

If you want to contribute to CEDAR, please let us know! The easiest way to contribute is to create a fork of the existing CEDAR repositories, then issue a pull request with your tested changes.

Last Updated: 
Sep 25 2020 - 11:14am