Where does the metadata in the CEDAR metadata repository come from?
CEDAR obtains its metadata from three places:
- Metadata entered by users using CEDAR’s user interfaces;
- Metadata entered by curators using CEDAR’s APIs for bulk upload; and
- Metadata obtained by CEDAR staff from other public repositories.
Each source represents a different stage in CEDAR's development and success.
The largest amount of data, as CEDAR begins operations, is derived from the third category, other public repositories. CEDAR has collected this metadata for two reasons. (1) We use it to verify that some of CEDAR’s metadata models can appropriately represent the metadata fields of the repositories. (2) This metadata provides important baseline information for the analytics that support CEDAR metadata suggestions.
As CEDAR’s API becomes available, we expect to obtain large quantities of metadata directly from individual repositories that want to leverage our metadata capabilities.
Over time, the metadata contributed by individual users and researchers, entering information about their own biomedical resources, will become a significant and growing collection of the CEDAR repository.
The following table shows the metadata sources CEDAR is considering, or has leveraged, for populating its metadata repository